ASUS India announced the launch of an exclusive store in Gurugram. The new exclusive store is spread across 365 sq. ft. and is set to host an extensive range of electronics and computer hardware, including the ASUS flagship products such as Vivobook, Zenbook, Republic of Gamers (ROG) laptops, Gaming Desktops, All-in-One Desktops, and accessories. This is the brand’s 2nd exclusive store located in Gurgaon taking the total count of 8 AES stores in Haryana.
Talking about the expansion, Jignesh Bhavsar, National Sales Manager – PC & Gaming Business, ASUS India, said, “We are delighted to announce the expansion of our retail footprint in India. Haryana being an important market for us, the inauguration of the new brand store in the promising Tier II city, Gurugram, will play a pivotal step towards empowering consumers across different regions of the country with a unique experience of our latest innovation. With a strategic retail expansion approach, we will continue to create more interaction and new touchpoints for our users.”
Address of the retail store: A-one Computer
R4-0016, Sector- 67, M3M Urbana-Gurugram