Customer ‘Decision-Making’ Is Subliminal

Customer ‘Decision-Making’ Is Subliminal
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Authored by Ms. Neha Modgil, Co-founder & COO, TECHVED  

A conscious mind is independent and unconventional. However, it is not always that the mind is conscious, it also gets distressed at times and looks for something that can bring it back to normal. This is why the mind becomes subconscious. It’s the right time brands shoot-up the advertising campaign displaying their products & services to stimulate the user.

Harvard Business School says, “95 % of our customer decision-making takes place in the subconscious mind.” Why not when they are conscious? The answer is the dopamine factor. When our mind is distressed it looks for something better. This is when it notices some soothing advertisements for any product or service. If it is good, we either cart it off or go for it.  

How Do Businesses Attract Customers With The Subconscious Mind? 

There is something called customer psychology, and that’s what even neuroscience explains. To target the customers/users with a subconscious mind, businesses set a medium to showcase their products & services. Nowadays, these mediums are mostly digitalized where the brands smartly set a goal to meet their target audience. Designing smart advertisements and emotional marketing strategies are created by the brands to stimulate the targeted group. This makes users take agile decisions. This decision-making time mostly takes place when the users are subconsciously attracted to the design-driven business offers. 

Brands today are emotionally designing their products and services which involve user psychology. It fastens the decision-making of the customers subconsciously. If there are no emotions, then that product would not lead to quick decision-making which hampers the conversion rate. The mind is wired with dopamine factors which are sometimes achieved with a subconscious decision-making habit. That’s why it works for a business!!!  

For example, an online advertisement, with its content & delightful design stimulates users, hence, making visitors into a decision-makers in a flick second. An employee gets a notification exactly at 12:30 from SWIGGY, “Hey Foodie! What are you waiting for? Your favorite mouth-watering Biryani is ready for you! Order now & get a 50% off!!!” this is known as content stimulation. If the message is sent to 100 people, as per HBS 95 people would react to it. 

The user is visiting an e-commerce site in search of a product or information related to the product. Well, if the loading time is pathetic, then the user would leave the site immediately and check for a similar site. In which, another site with some stimulating micro-animation related to the search grab the attention of the users and smartly hide the loading time to increase the stay time of the potential buyer. Here, the users subconsciously forget about the loading time and get stimulated by the micro-animation. It is said that a one-second increase in loading time is equal to a 7% decrease in the conversion. The loading time is hidden by a smart micro-animation. Well, that’s what it is!  

According to a research done by TECHVED Consulting - India’ leading digital powerhouse for design, development and research, a simple design along with a well done UI & content strategy can grasp attention of the subconscious minds & turns the window shopping or visiting time of the users of any website or application into a business opportunity. 

Most of the customers in real life think about benefits all the time, which subconsciously acquires their mind and turns out to be the action taking moment. This is what happens when they deal with digital mediums. At this moment, businesses target the customers, with their smart marketing strategies where the users get convinced and magnetized with their offering tactics.  

We all make decisions every day. Our shopping experience without our knowledge happens comparatively more than being in a conscious mind. Well, it’s subliminal decision-making! Being a user first if you notice carefully, it’s UX & content that captivates our mind more often during the time of decision-making. If you have a business or an e-commerce site, invest your bucks on UX and use up your time on strategizing content. You can catch the attention of the 95% subliminal decision-makers, effortlessly. 

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