Check Out These Homegrown Tech Startups that Could Elevate Your Life

Check Out These Homegrown Tech Startups that Could Elevate Your Life

Indian startups aren’t rare occurrences anymore. Thus, a venture or two popping up in the startup ecosystem don’t intrigue us much unless they are worth the watch. Along with the rest of the world we see many Indian startups unfolding in the wave of digital transformation we’re experiencing pre, during and post-pandemic. From networking and gaming to education, nutrition, finance and medicine, we’re seeing digital startup platforms offering convenient smart solutions like never before. 

Here we’ve put together a few tech-backed Startups which are charging ahead in their niche; ventures which are worth noticing for not just what they do but also for the promises they hold in bettering life for the collective.

  1. Koppr

Koppr is all about helping young adults attain financial freedom. A platform that provides personalized financial service and sound advice, Koppr is an expert-led community where users are given guidance so as to enable them to make smart financial decisions.  Koppr especially centers around tailoring personalized solutions to financial woes faced by millennials and young adults in the country.  With a mission to help young adults gain financial independence for realizing their dreams and ambitions, Kopper also understands the prevalence of unique financial issues as per an individual and thus provides unique offerings based on the requirement. 

Koppr strives to offer comprehensive solutions all along a young adult’s financial journey. Koppr provides expert insight and guidance on a range of financial matters faced by millennials and empowers them to borrow, invest, spend and protect their finances in the smartest way possible.

  1. Tummoc

The first-ever de-in-India transit app, Tummoc provides real-time, data-driven multi-modal public transportation information for a hassle-free commute. With a vision to enhance the desirability and accessibility of public transportation, Tummoc houses an all-in-one transit solution. Integrating both private and public MaaS (Mobility as a Service)  under its roof, the app provides various actionable information for public transportation such as timing, availability,  contactless adaptable ticketing options,  first and last-mile information, etc.,  all the while providing employment opportunities for last-mile partners.

Tummoc comes as a right fit for a place like India with its extensive and intricate public transport network which are priced reasonably well but not the most desirable in terms of convenience and accessibility.  Tummo aims to bring a shift in the way people access public transit by becoming a pioneer in enabling smart commuting in the country. It also encourages stakeholders in gearing towards a greener transportation by implementing carbon emission tracking and driving tree-planting among other initiatives. 

  1. PhytHealth 

PhytHealth is India’s foremost AI technology-driven digital physiotherapy. A digital telerehabilitation platform, PhytHealth helps in pain management, stabilization, strengthening, providing proper treatment at every stage of recovery - all at the comfort of your home. PhytHealth addresses an extensive range of ailments right from prevention to various chronic pain management and post-surgical recovery. Digital physiotherapy offers treatment plans for all musculoskeletal and muscular issues, which are not only clinically proven solutions but also designed for optimum convenience which patients can access via their smartphones.

Phyt.Health applies computer technology to engage patients with the right physio care including per Musculoskeletal Medicine (MSK) and effective therapy practices. It also helps in maintaining ergonomic postures along with providing assistance in assessing and modifying routine activities to prevent pain aggravation. 

  1. Branch

A personal finance startup, Branch offers  AI-enabled customization of financial services and is already among the top leaders around the globe. What sets this financial platform apart from the crowd is the simplicity and swiftness in providing loans.  Branch has done away with the chivvies and hassles found in traditional financial institutes where borrowers usually find themselves being drowned in long drawn loan processes.  At Branch, borrowers can obtain loans in as little as under two hours. The application process is a matter of seconds but that’s not all. The best thing about this AI-backed platform is that borrowers don’t have to stress about collaterals and credit scores which are often checkpoints that a lot of people fail to cross in a traditional lending scene.

With machine learning, Branch uses an algorithmic approach to ascertain the creditworthiness of an applicant. And customers won’t have to step an inch out of their comfy shack because all the loan processes are done over their smartphones.

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