“Our Vendors Are Our Biggest Strength & We Take Pride in Our Relations with Them”

“Our Vendors Are Our Biggest Strength & We Take Pride in Our Relations with Them”
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The offline channel business got hampered severely during the lockdown but now as the lockdown is lifted, the markets have started opening and channel business is gradually coming back on track. “It is picking up, slowly but more importantly, consistently. While the software product distribution was not affected that much during the lockdown, hardware products distribution had to suffer because of restricted movements and supply chain issues. However, we are seeing the green shoots of economy and businesses across the country are putting their best feet forward to speed up recovery” commented Ashis Guha, CEO, Rah Infotech. 

Current Challenges  

If the current situation is taken into account, the biggest challenge still is the fear of Corona infection and related health issues. Also, the country is not fully open yet and there are still some sort of movement restrictions in some major cities. Ashis Guha said, “As far as business continuity is concerned, our primary mode of communication with our partners and customers used to be personal interactions, meetings and visits to their business premises. This took a beating because of the movement restrictions and social distancing norms. Though restrictions are being lifted gradually, we are not lowering our guards on health issues – neither for our partners and customers nor for our employees.” 

Vendors’ Support 

Vendors are no doubt has come forward in the tough time and has extended all possible support as true business partner. “Our vendors are our biggest strength and we take pride in our relations with them. Our vendors, as always, have been very supportive during these challenging times and it’s been quite a fulfilling relation between us, our vendors and channel partners” stated Ashis. 

Ashis further added, “At RAH we believe, we grow when the ecosystem grows including our OEM partners and channel partners. To ensure business continuity during the pandemic, our technology partners and we joined hands and helped our channel partners by supporting them with new technology solutions like WFH, connectivity and security, to address their customer needs. Besides, we organised training and knowledge sessions for our channel partners to keep them updated with latest technology needs of customers and how to effectively address that. Overall, we are getting the required support from our OEM brands which we extend to our channel partners and customers.”

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