Serving as a platform ‘Where Skills Meet Fortune’, PokerDangal has reportedly revamped its app with more customer-friendly features. Along with the previous app specifications which were unique in their own way, like Focus light on player’s turn, Sub-menu in the lobby for a quick filter, Swiftly swiping the tables in mobile, Theme engine with different Table BG’s, Table color, Decks, Avatars and Multi-tabling in Tiling view up to 9 tables, PokerDangal has recently added other features like Portrait mode, Better UI/UX and New tournaments like multi-day flight structure to it.
The revamped app gives easier and comfortable gaming experience. The new interface of the app is very appealing to the eye as well as user-friendly. The color theme of the app is blue and white which coincides with the branding of the company and is very soothing to the user’s eye.You can also customise the colour theme and design as per your preference as there are different colour templates, card design template and background templates available for user convenience.
Along with the launch the company has also announced an offer to its users. The users using the app can use promo code- NEWAPP and get 20% Real cash bonus which is only valid on deposited amounts between INR 500 - 10K on 24th and 25th August 2020.