Huami Corporation will soon launch the Amazfit Bip S Lite smartwatch in India. Bip S Lite is the lighter variant to Bip S launched last month in India. 30 g ultra-lightweight and thin design smartwatch, equipped with power-packed battery life and Transflective always-on color display.
Bip S Lite integrates Huami-PAI, a revolutionary indicator of personal activity that gives you details about your heart health and overall fitness, helping you reach or maintain your personal best. Featuring eight sports modes, 5 ATM water resistance, excellent battery life of up to 40 days*, Bluetooth music control, weather forecast, and Heart Rate sensor, etc.
The Amazfit Bip S Lite is equipped with daily tracking activities along with eight sports modes: Treadmill, Outdoor running, Walking, Indoor cycling, Outdoor cycling, Yoga, Elliptical trainer, Freestyle. Huami self-developed optical sensor provides high-precision continuous heart rate tracking, heart rate warning, and heart rate interval values. The highly colorful display is always on and easily readable outdoors, even under bright sunlight. It has true bright colors with 64 Gamut. The app ecosystem supports both Android and iOS.