
“Worst is Over”

NDM News Network

The year gone-by was a bad one for the industry and so for Rashi Peripherals. The biggest dent was caused by the online retail which attacked the traditional channel and stole their business. However, the company is hopeful that things will begin to change in the New Year. Rajesh Goenka, VP- Sales & Marketing, Rashi Peripherals reveals company’s strategies.

Q.What was the year 2014 like?

A.2014 has been a tough year for the entire IT industry. While there is a lot of optimism across the country, at the ground level the demand is yet to pick up. We are hopeful that the demand would zoom in the coming year. Rashi traditionally has grown from DIYPC player to a large branded pc distribution house. This, coupled with our thriving mobile business, has enabled us to incur a sustainable growth in the year 2014.

Q.How did the channel help you to grow?

A.2014 has been the year where the channel has really matured. They have come out of the topline mode and have focused upon streaming their business and providing more value-addition. The channel partners have accepted the fact the market this year is flat and there isn’t much of growth. This is the reason that channel partners are realizing their potential and planning appropriately. I vehemently believe that in 2014 the channel business witnessed disruption because of the online stores; however it now seems that dust has settled down and business is almost back to normal.

Q.What will be your go- to-market strategy in 2015? How different will it from 2014

A.Rashi continues to focus on improving our distribution network. While we strengthen our channel relationship in the metro locations, through our continued improvement in supply chain management, marketing, sellout and service support. We are also focusing on up-country and smaller locations. This is in line with our corporate vision of providing products and services in each of the 300+ districts of India. We expect closer working relationship with channel partners in 2015.

Q.How deeply are you entrenched in the market, especially in tier 2 &3 cities?

A.Rashi currently bills to about 900 partners across 750 towns and cities, and our goal for 2015 is to reach 900 towns and more. This will be probably the largest IT distribution network in the country. Simply put we are strengthening our metro-base but also at the same time we are rapidly expanding in tier 3-4 towns.

Q.Why should your channel partners feel motivated? What is your message to the channel?

A.2015 will be a year of growth, the worst is over. Government’s policies of oil reduction will have a positive cost-cutting effect in the coming months. Rashi being a channel company cannot grow without the growth of its partners. Hence it’s quintessential to ensure the growth of our partners too.