
“The Benefits of Building an Enterprise App with Hubbler are Countless”

NDM News Network

The technology has created enormous ways to escalate the business operation. Today businesses are adopting innovative ideas to give a boost to the conventional business model. There is no other option rather than going with Digital Transformation journey to grow in such competitive world. Hubbler, one of the players in India to help companies in deploying solutions to boost their digital presence across the market. Rajeev Ranjan, Editor & Publisher of Digital Terminal had an insightful interaction with Vinay Aggrawal, Founder of Hubbler to know about their solutions and business plan to boost market presence.  

Rajeev: What inspired you to enter into this venture?  

Vinay: During the early days of my previous startup (Unicel Technologies), we ran the business in an extremely lean manner. We managed our core business processes using Excel Sheets, Emails and Chats. Little did we realize that we were making a big mistake. Once we started growing rapidly, we realized that we were using so many disconnected tools, which resulted in absolute chaos as we scaled. It was almost as if my right hand did not know what my left hand was upto.

How did we try to solve this? We tried to cobble some applications together. We also got some consulting firms to build internal software for us. But none of this helped. When everything failed, we tasked our internal teams to build a customized ERP that would suit our unique needs (a project that took us two years to finish). Many entrepreneurs have a similar story when it comes to attempting Digital Transformation. When I exited Unicel 2015 and was thinking about my next venture, I decided to go back and help myself. Today, I can proudly say that with Hubbler, we can build in 2 weeks what we took 2 years to build (using traditional software development methods).

Rajeev: How challenging was it to strengthen your foothold in the industry? 

Vinay: I always thought that it would be easy the second time. Little did I know that it was going to be just like starting all over again. I learned that no one cares about your past successes. You have to start from zero again. But then, this is the fun part of building a startup and I love every moment of it.

Rajeev: How do your technical team support the enterprises in having their own customized business app? 

Vinay: Our operations team works with the customer constantly throughout the whole process. We draw a keen understanding of that customer’s business process during the first meeting itself. Then, we help them to optimize their business process by offering constant consultation. When a company shifts to a new app, their business process changes quite a bit. Hence, we work with the client during the consultation phase to optimize their process into a lean workflow. And we ensure that we do it without disrupting the way they’ve been working. That’s why we say that our app adapts to the customer’s business process. Because we literally tailor the app according to what the customer is comfortable with. And our operations team is fully involved in this - from the first meeting until the successful adoption of the app. 

Rajeev: What are the benefits of building a business app with Hubbler and how does it boost business efficiency? 

Vinay: If you’re a growing business, then the benefits of building an enterprise app with Hubbler are countless.  We’re faster. We save you a lot of money. 

And more importantly, we make you independent.

Once we’ve implemented a solution at a customer’s organization, they’ll be able to iterate on it and reshape workflows at will. Here’s how:

Speed: You get an abundance of speed in the creation phase. You can just drag and drop features to build a really powerful app, no coding required. So If you have a workflow in mind, you can build an app and deploy it within 24 hours. Moreover, you can customize this app anytime by yourself, and deploy changes within minutes (without having to write a single line of code). 

Cost: Conventionally, when you’re building an enterprise system or an internal app, development costs are tremendous. Companies spend a lot of money and months of time just to see the prototype of that tool. Hubbler is extremely cost-effective. You don’t have to spend on any infrastructure or hiring developers. You get a fully customized solution that’s perfect for your org. And you’ll get it at 1/10th the cost because of Hubbler’s modern Digital Transformation platform.

Bonus: You’ll not have repeated costs for maintaining the app either - our team keeps upgrading and maintaining the tech so that you can focus on your business. Customers get access to an incredibly intuitive no-code App Studio that lets you make changes to an app, reshape a workflow or add new capabilities - all by simply dragging and dropping.  You’ll end up turning your company’s non-coder business users into citizen coders who can build apps at zero cost. Hubbler makes Digital Transformation incredibly intuitive this way. 

Flexibility: Imagine you are a startup, and you start growing suddenly. If you were using conventional off-the-shelf software, you’d be stuck with its limitations. You’d be ready to scale up, but your internal system would keep dragging you down. Unless you spend tons of money and hire developers to build a new system or an app, you’d be looking at a really tough time. But with Hubbler, you’ll have no such hassle. None at all. In fact, if you’re facing a new process challenge, you can reshape your Hubbler app anytime. You can add new capabilities, insert new apps into the workflow, integrate it with your existing third-party tools or even reinvent it completely - all in a few days, without having to write any code. 

You’ll have a highly intuitive app canvas at your disposal. No wastage of time or money. And if at any point you feel alone, you’d always have our operations team to call upon for support. 

Rajeev: How do you assess the business landscape of a particular client to build a business-friendly app for them? What type of challenges do you face in developing such business apps? 

Vinay: Working Subject Matter Experts

We work with a lot of industry and subject matter experts. Since they understand ground-level reality and are insiders to challenges, our assessment of business landscapes become thorough. Moreover, the companies we work with also understand industry challenges really well. 

Seasoned Digital Transformation Practitioners

Our leadership understands digital transformation really well. We’ve got almost 60 years of Digital Transformation experience between us. So when we study a business, we’re able to instantly pin-point what needs to be optimized and how Hubbler can be used to achieve that optimization. Hubbler has dedicated frameworks to understand a customer’s problem. We’re able to quickly figure out how we can help a client register quick wins and help them make their process faster, leaner and more efficient. Moreover, we help them eliminate data silos of disconnected apps by giving them one single platform. Hubbler easily brings your existing enterprise apps onto a connected platform, letting them speak to each other and work in harmony. 

This also paves way for automating repetitive tasks, which means they don’t have to jump around too many tools, they can just focus on their actual work. To make the adoption faster, we give them building blocks to customize the app. This allows them to retain the core of their process and how they work. Since we are not disrupting anything in their organization, and the app is adapting to their process, the overall adoption of Hubbler is 10x faster.

The challenges we face: People lack a thorough understanding of how digital transformation works. Most companies do not have a cohesive DT plan, they think in silos. Each team runs its on DT efforts - which leaves the org with hundreds of disconnected apps that don't speak to each other, which get in the way of automation. 

CEOs need to understand that automation is a game changer - you let bots handle all your repetitive tasks, so that your employees can focus on critical work and get more done in a workday. We’ve got dozens of examples where an org’s productivity goes up in less than a week of having implemented the right automation.  Fortunately for these companies, Hubbler brings all their isolated systems together onto a connected platform, allowing their systems to speak and work in perfect harmony. 

Rajeev: What is your growth roadmap / target for year 2020? 

Vinay: There three major targets we’re looking at for this year. We are targeting 3x growth in revenue with new customer acquisitions. We are determined to boost our presence across India whereas we have also plan to make significant inroads to the western markets.