
Celebrate Holi with New Animated Stickers on Hike 

NDM News Network

Spring is almost here and so is Holi. Hike has made it even easier to express the joy of this festivity by announcing new animated stickers.

The new Holi stickers come packed with fun, colorful and joyous stickers depicting the true spirit of the festival— from Bollywood references to gujjiyas to gulal to bhang. Youth can express to their fullest with these amazing animated sticker packs highlighting the magic of the season. Hike makes this super simple by suggesting the right sticker at the right time.

This year Hike’s Sticker Shop is colored with the new Holi stickers. Available in-app from March 15th, 2019, Hike users can download these from the Google Play and App Store. Here’s a chance to send Holi wishes to your family and friends in the most unique way and add that extra liveliness to your chats.

Stickers as a means of social expression

Stickers are one of the most loved features of Hike. Hike offers a library of over 20K stickers in 40+ languages and covering multiple genres which highlight the colorful, cultural landscape of India, Bollywood, comedy, festivals, cricket, kabaddi, local catchphrases, emotions, and even excuses. Stickers are expressive and a great way to say what you feel. Hike’s most popular stickers reflect love, laughter, and fun followed by festivals and regional references.