
e-con Systems Unveils 3D ToF MIPI Camera for NVIDIA Jetson Processors

NDM News Network

e-con Systems launches DepthVista_MIPI_IRD, a 3D Time of Flight (ToF) camera for NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin/AGX Xavier with outdoor robustness.

DepthVista_MIPI_IRD is a 3D ToF MIPI camera designed for precise 3D depth measurement. It comes with a wider spectral range to power outdoor as well as indoor embedded vision systems. The camera uses the MIPI CSI 2 interface to connect to NVIDIA® Jetson AGX Orin™/ AGX Xavier™. It has a scalable depth range up to 12 meters (6m by default).

Key features of DepthVista_MIPI_IRD

·         940 nm / 850nm – Precise 3D imaging in both outdoor and indoor lighting conditions.

·         Depth scalability – Scalable depth range up to 12m (6m by default). Comes with <1% accuracy.  

·         Multicamera without interference - A proprietary technique is used to operate multiple ToF cameras without interference noise to provide reliable depth data.

·         Compatibility with NVIDIA Jetson - Ready to deploy with NVIDIA Jetson platforms for easy and quick prototyping.

·         On-camera depth processing – Avoids complications like running depth matching algorithms on the host platform.

“Last year, we launched a 3D USB camera solution powered by ToF technology, specifically designed for applications that operate in indoor environments. We have since received several requests for a 3D depth camera suitable for outdoor environments that can also work with the NVIDIA Jetson processor family through a MIPI-CSI2 interface. So, we are now launching DepthVista_MIPI_IRD, a ToF MIPI camera, for NVIDIA Jetson platforms. It is perfect for indoor and outdoor embedded vision applications.”, said Gomathi Sankar, Business Unit Head- Industrial at e-con Systems.


Customers interested in evaluating DepthVista_MIPI_IRD can visit the online web store and purchase the product.

Customization and integration support     

e-con Systems with its deep expertise and knowledge in various camera interfaces and depth sensing technologies provides necessary customization services and end-to-end integration support for DepthVista_MIPI_IRD to meet your application’s unique requirements. Please write to us at if you are looking for any customization or integration support.