Microsoft India announced the addition of two new Indian languages Chhattisgarhi and Manipuri in Microsoft Translator. With this latest release, Microsoft Translator now supports a total of 20 official Indian languages, including Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu, and two other vernacular languages - Bhojpuri, and Chhattisgarhi, covering more than 95% of the country’s population.
The expansion beyond official languages underscores Microsoft's dedication to democratizing technology. The addition of Chhattisgarhi and Manipuri is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment of supporting and empowering the linguistic diversity of India through its innovative language technologies and solutions. Azure AI Translator not only enhances computing accessibility in official languages but also broadens opportunities for better education, governance, communication, economic development, and cultural preservation.
Rajiv Kumar, Managing Director – Microsoft India, said, “We truly believe in the power of technology to empower every person on the planet, providing people and communities access to information and opportunities and creating a positive impact in their lives. We are proud to announce the addition of Manipuri and Chhattisgarhi languages in Microsoft Translator that broadens our reach and coverage of India’s linguistic and cultural diversity. We strive to make a profound impact through our products, leveraging advanced AI technologies that foster social inclusion and collaboration without barriers, contributing to India’s inclusive economic growth.”
Chhattisgarhi is spoken by around 16 million people in the states of Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. Manipuri is spoken by approximately 3 million people in the state Manipur and by some communities in Assam and Tripura as well as some parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Microsoft remains committed to advancing language technology, continually improving translation models to align with technological advancements and user needs.
Microsoft Translator is powered by deep neural networks, a form of artificial intelligence that can learn from large amounts of data and produce natural-sounding translations. These neural networks can capture the nuances and contexts of languages, resulting in more accurate and fluent translations. Microsoft Translator also supports transliteration, which converts text from one script to another, enabling users to read and write in their preferred language.
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