Dell Technologies announced the launch of the new XPS 13 2-in-1 in India. Powered by 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors, the device comes with a 13-inch ultra-thin detachable design with built-in WiFi that seamlessly blurs the line between work, learning, and life. With the new XPS 13, users also receive a keyboard case and a stylus, which let them easily switch from a stylish consumption device to a fully functional laptop while also increasing productivity. When combined with a high-resolution 4K 11MP rear camera and a 1080p 5MP webcam, the XPS 13 2-in-1 is simply packed with innovation for today's versatile consumers.
Commenting on the launch, Raj Kumar Rishi, MD and General Manager, Consumer & Small Business, Dell Technologies India, said, “As the lines continue to blur between work, life, and learning, the XPS 13 2-in-1 reflects just that. Augmenting the best experiences, the XPS 2-in-1 provides the ultimate flexibility allowing consumers to effortlessly transition between streaming, working, creating-sharing content, and connecting with whatever else moves them. With its versatile capabilities and built-in futuristic technology, it is a multipurpose device that hits all the right notes.”
The ideal companion for productivity on-the-go
Redesigned from scratch, the new XPS 13 comes in a tablet form factor and an additional magnetic XPS folio case and stylus. The folio, when attached to the device, converts into a complete laptop supporting three angle adjustments (100°, 112.5°, 125°), making it comfortable and flexible for every user. Enhancing the experience further is a large keypad and a zero-lattice, edge-to-edge keyboard that is fast, efficient, and smooth with every keystroke. Designed to be portable, the folio weighs just 560g (1.23 lbs) on its own and the entire device weighs less than 3 pounds making it an ideal on-the-go companion.
The XPS Stylus, with its precise pressure sensitivity and tilt functionality, aids in the expression of one's creativity through a natural writing and inking experience. Furthermore, in consideration of human tendencies, the XPS Stylus includes a built-in Tile function that helps ring, notify, and locate the pen on a map when lost. It is also a multifunctional stylus with two programmable buttons, Bluetooth connectivity, and a reversible pen designed for both right and left-handed users.
Design so good, virtual is no less than real
The XPS 13 2-in-1 isn’t just about executing creative interests but also about viewing them in detail. The display offers up to 3K resolution, 100% sRGB vibrant colors, and precise details for content that is as dynamic and lively as it can be. Alongside the combination of an intuitive landscape-first viewing mode, the Eyesafe® technology makes it an ideal laptop for everyday lifestyles.
Superior cameras for capturing as well as editing needs
To provide the ultimate visual experience, the XPS 13 2-in-1 is fitted with a 4K 11MP world-facing camera and 1080p 5MP webcam. Whether it’s a conference call, webchat with friends, editing content, or just capturing special moments, these cameras empower the user to do it all on a single versatile device.
To top it all off, the device is backed by a Premium Support warranty that includes Advanced Exchange and Accidental Damage Protection.
Pricing and availability (Inclusive of taxes)
Model | Configuration | Price (in INR) |
XPS 9315 2-in-1 | 13.0" 3K Touch / Ci5-1230U 10 Core / 16GB / 512GB SSD / Win11 / 1 Premium Support with Advanced Exchange + ADP / Pro-Bag / Folio Keyboard & Stylus | 1,39,990 |
XPS 9315 2-in-1 | 13.0" 3K Touch / Ci7-1250U 10 Core / 16GB / 1TB SSD / Win11 / 1 Premium Support with Advanced Exchange + ADP / Pro-Bag / Folio Keyboard & Stylus | 1,64,990 |